Sunday, June 30, 2013

Kiera M. (Daisy - Ambassador)

Kiera came from long line of Girl Scouts, her mother was a Girl Scout and her mother's mother was a Girl Scout.  With her mother as her troop leader, Kiera's troop was formed around Kindergarten and lasted past high school.
Kiera started out as a Daisy and came out an Ambassador. As time passed, she earned many badges, as well as her Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. She also learned how to sing many songs that are still popular today like Little Red Wagon, Princess Pat, Percy the Pale Faced Polar Bear and Little Piece of Tin.
Besides being a long-time Girl Scout, Kiera has also been a Girl Scout camp counselor. She started her counselor-career at the “Adventure Weekend Camp” near San Diego. This camp was at the end of the week and lasted two days at a time, each two-day time-span had a different theme. Kiera remembers that one week was a nature theme and they learned about the environment and did tie-dye. At this camp she was a counselor to Brownies and Juniors, but she later progressed to being a counselor for older girls. Kiera spent every summer, between the ages of 6-18 at Girl Scout camp.
Kiera also works for Voice 4 Girls. Her jobs mission is to build strong independent girls. As a result of Kiera's Girl Scout background, Kiera is strong and very outspoken about what she believes in,  Primarily, this gift has taught her to be always be giving and live a life of generosity, which she tries to impart this gift to the girls she works with.
Kiera’s troop could have given up and broken apart while she was growing up, but they became a tight unit and stayed together during tough times. As they passed those boundaries, Kiera slowly became the person she is today and learned that she could make a difference. As she points out, many female leaders in the U.S. were Girls Scouts, which includes 80% of American female entrepreneurs.  See list.
Kiera is really happy that Girl Scouts was part of her life and if she has a daughter, her daughter will definitely become a Girl Scout.

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