Mentioned In the Interviews (Index)

Special Posts

Songs & Sayings

Make New Friends AKA Atarashii Tomo (Rose M.Nobuko A.)
Sailing Over the Water (Rose M.)
Squizi Hunt (Amalu (あまる))
99 Soda Pops (Amalu (あまる))- The contents of the title is changed from beer to soda pops when it is used by Girl Scouts.
I Know A Place (Kathy A.)
Girl Scouts Together (Kathy A.)
Brownie Smile Song (Kathy A.Carol J.)
Five Little Angels (Kotoe K. (ことえ))
The Guiding Light (Kotoe K. (ことえ))
Taps (Kotoe K. (ことえ)Nobuko A.)
Japanese Girl Scout Promise (Nobuko A.)
When E're You Make a Promise (Nobuko A.)
Smile Everybody Smile (Nobuko A.)- Lyrics found in Nobuko's post's comments.
Penguin Attention (Nobuko A.)
Vista (Some lyrics in Satoko K-B)
Ode to Joy: Romanian Version (Ariadna P.)
Conpact (Jumi A-S)
Barges (Kathy K.)

Girl Scout Cookies

Badges & Awards

Silly Badge (Kathy A.)
Hospitality Badge (Kathy A.)
Sign of Air (Kathy A.)

Organizations, Holidays & Gatherings

Fall Festival (Harini P.)- The festival Harini was talking about was just a seasonal festival, but it just so happens that Juliette Lowe's birthday happens on Halloween and around fall time many Girl Scouts hold parties or gatherings where they celebrate her birthday.
Adventure Weekend (Kiera M.)- It's a weekend Summer Camp.

Crafts, Cooking Methods & Recipes

Cooking in the Ground (Françoise B.)- The method for this is on the page of the person it is credited to.
Cooking Over an Open Fire (Kathy A.)
Bugs In a Log (Carol J.)
Letter Writing to Veterans (Carol J.)
Making Care Packages for Veterans (Carol J.)
Sewing (Kathy A.Kotoe K. (ことえ), Madison Z.)
Pinching Candles (Kotoe K. (ことえ))
Kool-Aid to Lip Gloss (Kotoe K. (ことえ))
Orienteering (Kotoe K. (ことえ))
PB&J (Kotoe K. (ことえ))
Adopting a Fire Station (Madison Z.)
Certification for CPR & First Aid (Madison Z.)
Trust Games & Bonding Games (Madison Z.)
Dancing the Tarentella (Angie H.)
Brownie Stew (Angie H.)
S'mores (Jaimee C.Diana S.)
Kim’s game (Nobuko A.)
Wide Game (Nobuko A.)
Macha (Nobuko A.)
S’more SWAP And Marshmallow On A Stick SWAP (Satoko K-B)
Origami (Satoko K-B)
Japanese Style Writing (Satoko K-B)
Merry-Go-Round Game (Satoko K-B has it in the comments of her interview)
Chain Games (Satoko K-B)- Basically games where girls are holding hands, like the American game Octopus.
How to Shoot a Gun (Ariadna P.)
DIY Oven  (Jumi A-S)
Banana Boat (Kathy K.)
Boondoggles (Sabrina)

Girl Scout Words & Famous People

S.W.A.P.S. (Marcy R.,  Satoko K-B)- Small Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere
Juliette (Kotoe K. (ことえ))
Court of Awards (Angie H.)
A Brownie Taste- You always have to taste something before you can say you dislike it. (Angie H.)
Agnes Baden-Powell (Special Post 1)
Lord Baden-Powell (Special Post 1)
Juliette Lowe (Special Post 1)
Lady Baden-Powell (Special Post 1)
General MacArthur (Special Post 1)
Wayne-Gordon House/Birthplace of Juliette Lowe (Diana S.)
Girl Scout Council (mentioned in many interviews)
Pack- In Canada, troops are called packs. Packs are made of 25-30 girls. They can be broken up into what Kathy calls sixes (smaller patrols). (Kathy K.)

Time Periods


Japan - Okinawa, Tokyo, ShizuokaKanagawa, ChibaAmerican Overseas Girl Scouts
UK - American Overseas Girl Scouts
Korea - SeoulAmerican Overseas Girl Scouts
RomaniaYoung Pioneers

Levels of Girl Scouts

American Girl Scout Levels

Daisy (Grades  K - 1)
Brownie (Grades 2 to 3)
Junior (Grades 4 to 5)
Cadette (Grades  6 to 8)
Senior (Grades  9 to 10)
Ambassaddor (Grades  11 to 12)
Girl Scout Adult (Any Scout over 17)

Juliette- This can be a Girl Scout of the age of 6 to the age of 17. They do not work with a troop but instead pursue their Girl Scouting solo.

Japanese Girl Scout Levels

Tenderfoots (Ages 5 - 6)
Brownies (Ages 6 - 9)
Juniors (Ages 9 - 12)
Seniors (Ages 12 - 15)
Rangers (Ages 15 - 17)

Types of Girl Scouts (In these Interviews)

Troop Leader
Non-Troop Leader

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