Monday, July 22, 2013

Madison Z. (Girl Scout Adult)

At Madison’s school, joining Girl Scouts was like joining a club or sport. Girl Scouts was just one of many choices, at the time kids her age were participating in sports, art classes or Girl Scouts. It was some kind of event that involved other groups of children, so it became a social event with community service mixed in.
An example of some of the community service Madison did with Girl Scouts was visiting an old age home. At this home they did caroling and they also made rag dolls for the women at the home (earning their sewing badge in the process).
Madison’s favorite memory from Girl Scouts was their trip to Lake Lakota. While they were there they learned how to camp, they learned some new songs, they did trust games and also did some bonding games. Madison remembers late night talks and pillow fights as well.
Lake Lakota was just one of the many trips that Madison’s troop did. Her troop did trips almost every chance they got, during school breaks of all seasons.
Madison has all three of the metallic (Bronze, Silver & Gold) Girl Scout Awards. She earned one of the awards by adopting a fire station. What this meant is that Madison would often be in and out of fire station 99. She constantly visited and went on tours with them and in return they taught her what a day of work was like, how to preform CPR and how to do first-aid.
Girl Scouting has affected Madison’s life in many ways. It has given her the physical and mental skills that place her a cut above the rest. When Madison has done jobs babysitting and tutoring, many parents chose her above others due to her Red-Cross certifications. When Madison’s class went on a camping trip and no one knew how to pitch a tent, Madison took the lead and taught them all how. She can sew and cook, but she can also do many things that people don't expect a girl to be able to do. Madison feels very empowered and being a Girl Scout is a large badge of pride for her.
One of the biggest things Girl Scouts has given her is self-confidence, whether it is confidence that she can survive on her own, save a life, cook for herself, protect herself in the wilderness, stich a blanket or work in a hospital, she has it.
Madison is currently a junior in college, she is a third generation Girl Scout and she’s living the dream.

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