Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Special Post 2: Ariadna P. (Young Pioneer; 70s Romania's Response to Scouting)

When Ariadna was five she had the honor of the joining the ranks of Romania’s Young Pioneers. At the time she was a Young Pioneer, Girl Scouting/Guiding did not exist in Romania and the Young Pioneers were the Romania’s version of scouting.
As a Young Pioneer, Ariadna wore a blue skirt, a white shirt and a red scarf in the shape of a triangle. Through the Young Pioneers she also participated in many things like Young Pioneer Choir, competitions and summer camps.
As a Young Pioneer, Ariadna sang many songs about equality, the beauty of her country and the pride of being a Young Pioneer. Since Ariadna had a good voice, she was allowed to join the Young Pioneer Choir at her school. They had a very good teacher who often translated different songs for them to sing, including the Ode to Joy. As a choir they entered many competitions and even got second place once in a national competition.
As a pioneer, she also partook in competitions dealing with math and science. When she was old enough, Ariadna also learned how to shoot a gun and entered shooting competitions.
During the summer, Ariadna and her fellow pioneers went to summer camps. There, they would play games and sports like volleyball. At camp, they didn’t really have many contests though.
When Ariadna was 14, she graduated from being a Young Pioneer. She feels that being a Young Pioneer gave her a greater sense of pride for being part of her country.

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